
it's clueless walking in a dark alley
wandering..finding ways..and in search of ray of light..
just a glimpse will be perfect
and when i keep on going towards dat light, it's no longer a glimpse
it's a shine of a new begining..
yes..a new begining as at that point of time,
i bumped into..what i labelled them as..
my inspirations...
it felt good
as though i've found my passion in doing wad i really fond of
and yeah..i found it!
my inspirations are like my strength in pursuing wat i long-yearned
i felt the hit..and it was remarkable...simply significant!
above all these..i noe for ONE ULTIMATE power that has led me
to that glimpe of light..
Allah The Almighty...
I Thank YOU for the Hidayah that u gave me
Thank YOU for the inpirations that has invisibly guide me..
and hopefully..i can be wat i wanna be in future
Insya Allah..all wif the help of YOU..
before i end this,
i just wanna thank Ibnu Ali who are
literally, Muslim/Hafas/Tarmizi
in continuing to be my inspirations in my life..
~Ilal Liqa~


Dated 28/12/09 - 31/12/09 Insya Allah, i'm on vacation to M'sia
Genting-KL je =) hopefully it's gonna be fun though my siblings aren't following
sedeyy arr drg tk ikott! tkde kwn arr..but, dats oklaa..
hv my parents wif me. hehe..but unfortunately, they're nt gonna ride
theme rides..dats ok. i'll just ride n "syok-sndiri" hehehe.. LOL
okaayy now, i'm feeling rather happy+excited+worried??
worried?? hhmm yeah...lately, my best buddies are hvin an argument wif one another
hhmm..hopefully, when i'm away they cld sort things out and
our friendship cld still stay strong ;)
Insya Allah..c'mun guys its just a small lil prblm i'm sure u cn talk it out kn3??
we hv gone thru much obstacles..and this is like..a SMALL prb..
c'mun la ekk?? Ukhuwwah Fillah la beb...
Friendship, Lillahi Ta'ala =)
papepn, i pray dat our ukhuwwah cn stay strong and u guys cn "slow talk"
chill bebs..i'm sure dis is just a small matter dat we cn sort things out yeaapp!!
when i'm away, do take care of urselves aiitee!
i'll get u guys sumthing when i'm on vacation =)
tkmo gadoh2 kk..chill laa..
Ukhuwwah Fillah =) remember dat..
till then, pray for my safety..Insya Allah i'll be back soon!!
for my readers/ YM buddies do take goooood care of urselves.
till then, Ilal Liqa'
~Assalamualaikum wrh wbr~

sabda rasulullah s.a.w "orang yang paling baik di antaramu ialah orang yang paling baik akhlaknya"..oleh kerana akhlak mempunyai nilai yang tinggi dalam kehidupan semua bangsa, maka ia mempunyai kedudukan yang mulia di sisi islam,dan dengan akhlak jugalah orang2 kafir quraish tunduk dengan ajaran nabi muhammad s.a.w.. .
~Ilal Liqa'~

Apabila kamu bercakap,percakapan kamu adalah patut diluahkan jika ia difikirkan lebih bernilai dari tidak bercakap langsung..namun tidak semua yang diluahkn bernilai dan diam adalah jalan terbaik andai itu mampu membaiki keadaan dan sekiranya tidak berusahalah untuk meluahkannya...
~Ilal Liqa'~


nk kongsi dis zikir khusus untk wanita haidh..
sbg pelindung awal
~Ilal Liqa'~


Alhamdulillah ya Allah...
after 2 wks of tahfiz orientation, i'm an official
student of Darul Huffaz & S.U.R.M
but, wait..wat level am i taking???
its either Pre-U or Tamhidi 1
i'm nt sure which one..wallahu'alam..
watever it is, i will accept dgn hati terbuka ape2 pn keputusannye
coz i noe dat ape yg ditetapkn Allah adlh yg terbaek buat drku..
so, insya Allah pengajian akn bermula nx yr, 04/01/10
dats fast hehehe...
haa! i recalled wat ust Amirullah pesan,
dun forget to muraja'ah n hafal bru..
hehe...buat mse skng ni..tkleh laa..phm2 jelaa..hal prmpn an..
huhu..hhm, ape lg eh nk story2..
aha! clz arab will be ending dis cumin' friday..
need to mug up arab thingy before upcumin' imtihan..
so, do doa untk sy smoga najah =)
okaayy, mm..next?? aha! after 25th, on the 26th insya Allah..
will be going out jln2 cari psl hahah..nolaa..mksd sy jln2 untk riadah =)
wif my buddies..to..mm, escape ting-kap LOL i mean, theme park
n bungy jump. so, for sure we nid dis>>> $$$ hehehe..
yup2 just use my savings la an..tp, hrp2 pndai2 laa cermat2..tknk ah abiskn..
sbb nk g KL tao...hajat nk uat specs frameless kt sne..hehe
so, jimat cermat eh dinahhh..
oklaa tu je kott.
~ilal liqa'~


okayy..smlm bru jee alek dr kmpong kwn kt Ulu Tiram, Johor.
pntt2.....tp, mmg mcm2 pengalaman dpt in just sehari semalam.
hehehe...ingtkn nk g kmpong friday nite..lps abis orientation tahfiz..
tp, da lmbt sgt n mlm..so, mlm tu g umh feza tompang tdo n bsk pg nye,
bru berangkat =)
sblm subuh jgk da bgn huahuahua...mandi air sejuk dowhh
so, bla3..jmpe eza n trs kte 3 plus mak feza..
try tahan taxi..
waduhh...seksa btol la nk tahan taxi hahaha...
sume ade passenger..haiyoyo...last2...Alhmdllh dptla jgk..
ok2..meh short cut sikit. aha! da smpai lps kastam..
kte dijemput oleh nenek/atok n due lg adk2 fezaa..
hehe..dhtu g srpan..ni pt la kekek huahuahuaa..
i noe' u guys noe..Uncle Muthu ehhh wak3..
hahaha kekek btol arr..
lps tu teruskn perjlnn ke kmpong...masha'Allah perjalanannye..
fuhh dlm sgt2..hehe
bile nk enter tu nmpk ramai bdk2 berjubah putih..
**smpt dinahh...hahah** tkdelaa..tgk je secara general..
okaayyy tk tau la bape minit kemudian dh smpai..tp, mmg lama..
kt kg tu mmg bbykkk anjing..ade satu kejar kete kte
seram sejuk je dgr anjing tu barking..hehe
tbe2. anjing tu terlanggar dis tall grass yg lebat..dhtu dy pening kott
batal hajat nk smbung keja kete hahahha..
mcm2 adaa..
ok..finally da pn smpai..settle down..so, ptg tuh..nenek smpat cite antu smbil2 tnggu hujan reda..nk baberque hehehe..
so, nk msk mghb, slt mghb serta ngn imam indon hehe..cik nan.
lps slt, agk2 ape?? mkn arr beb..hehe
tgh mkn2 syok2..adk feza, afiz g ckp kt ats ade cicak..waduh2..
melenting laa aku hahahah..
kecoh2...digelakkn plk dinahh...hahaha..
ok ar..pnt nk smbung..tp, sememangnye lawat ke kg nenek n atok feza
mmg best la.
Syukran Jaziilan kpd kluarge feza yg jge mkn minum kte sepanjang ade kt situ.
sgt appreciate =)
insya Allah kte dtgla lg heheh..

that you read this all the way through.
As you got up this morning, I watched you, and hoped you
would talk to me, even if it was just a few words, asking my
opinion or thanking me for something good that happened in
your life yesterday.But I noticed you were too busy, trying to
find the right outfit to wear. When you ran around the house
getting ready, I knew there would be a few minutes for you to
stop and say hello, but you were too busy. At one point you
had to wait, fifteen minutes with nothing to do except sit in a
chair. Then I saw you spring to your feet.
I thought you wanted to talk to me, but you ran to the phone and
called a friend to get the latest gossip instead. I watched
patiently all day long.With all your activities I guess you
were too busy to say anything to me. I noticed that before lunch
you looked around,may be you felt embarrassed to talk to me, that
is why you didn't bow your head. You glanced three or four tables
over and you noticed some of your friends talking to me briefly
before they ate, but you didn't. That's okay. There is still more
time left, and I hope that you will talk to me yet.
You went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do.
After a few of them were done, you turned on the TV. I don't
know if you like TV or not, just about anything goes there and
you spend lot of time each day in front of it not thinking about
anything, just enjoying the show. I waited patiently again as you
watched the TV and ate your meal, but again you didn't talk to me.
Bedtime I guess you felt too tired. After you said good night to
your family you popped into bed and fell asleep in no time.
That's okay because you may not realize that I am always there for you.
I've got patience, more than you will ever know. I even want to teach
you how to be patient with others as well. I love you so much
that I wait everyday for a nod, prayer or thought or a thankful
part of your heart. It is hard to have a one-sided conversation.
Well, you are getting up once again. And once again I will wait,
with nothing but love for you. Hoping that today you will give me
some time.Have a nice day!
Your Friend


okkaayy first of all the pict. above, is just a random pict,
taken frm website..
so, wat about this pict?
ahaa..just wanna share wif my readers my first week experience
in Darul Huffaz @ Eunos
so, everyday is like a normal skool day hehe..
mon/wed/fri. is arab class frm 1030-1200
mon-fri. tahfiz, 1400-1700
so yeaahhh..especially mon, wed, fri its A LONG DAY hehhe
i'm not whining laa..
its just sum kind of orientation jee..
tahfiz orientation wld end nx friday..
arab class, on th 25 this mnth.
so, wats next??
the ustaz/ustazah frm darul huffaz will uat penilaian..bla3..
whether or not, i wld be fully enroll in darul huffaz or not.
tp, mdh-mdhan dptlaaa...
coz, da 50% enrolled..so, papepn yg paling pnting..
insya Allah sy diterime...amiin ya Rabb =)
k nnti2 pn blh update more bout tahfiz =) hehe..pnt lerr..
~ilal liqa'~

haa..finallyy!..my free time to update my posts
kinda miss blogging ='( boohoo..
kk, bla3..
dinahh..welcum backk hehe..
so much i wanna say..but, yeapp..i'll try
make it short n simple jee..
tgkla cmne huhu..
k dis post is bout the most precious lil thing..
i meant, lil human being huhu..
her name is Qeisha =)
my family n i took care of her for 3 days..
n yeaahh..we really LOVED her!
as though she is our own flesh n blood aww..
she's soo cutee n so innocent! a very simple baby to handle =)
thx Qeisha for waking me up just on time for subuh prayer..huhu
it's a gd experience for me in handling dat baby =)
ceyy "junior mum" huahuahuaa..
wait! there's more!
u'll always be in my prayer lil one..
do grow up well n be anak yg solehah...
amiin ya rabb =)
Dinah is her name, a small person wif big dreams.
easy-going & simple is totally her.
Currently i'm a full-time student of Darul Huffaz (tahfiz wal qiraat)
also a student of PERGAS and a student of AbiAbdusSamad in Al-Khair
Allah 'Azza Wa Jal is where she puts her full trust.
4 Imam Hafiz (Ibnu Ali) are her Inspirations.
Family & Frens are my "cheer-leaders" LOL.
D.O.B: 01/01/1992.
Ukhuwwah Fillah~!
Ukhti Aiza
Akhi Hanafi
Ukhti Fathin Nabilah
Ukhti Alya
Ukhti Atiqah
Akhi Salman
Ukhti Mardhiah
Ukhti Farah
Ukhti Shya
Misteri Jam 12
Akhi Helmy
Akhi da'wah
myMirwana space
Ukhti Mustanir
Akhi Azli
Ukhti sheila
Ukhti Yunni
Ukhti Aisyah
Ukhti Husna
Akhi Fathi
AKhi Irfan
Ukhti Nina
Ukhti Amirah
Ukhti Qistina
Akhi Ruzaimy
Akhi Haiqal
Akhi Firdaus
Akhi Fikri
Ukhti Fiqah
Ukhti Syiqin
Koleksi Al-Qalam
laman Fiqh
Ulama' Aamilin