
Alhmdllh bertemu kembali hehe...
currently down wif bad cough..Syafakillah uat diri ini. and also to sape2 laa
yg tgh sakit hehe..musim laa skng ni..ramai je yg sakit.
Syafakallah & Syafakillah, smoga ini dpt menggugurkan dosa2 yg lalu.
Insya Allah =)
so wad's up ye dinah?? yesterday was Imtihan *test* hafazan.
kene jwb 3 qns. ust Amirullah yg test..fheeww...takott beb..
menggigil jee...secara rambang je ust. start wif any ayat, pndai2 kamu smbung..
aissehh..1st blh jwb..yg 2nd & 3rd...adeehh...gagap la beb..
hhmm, tkpelaa..ni kn first time beb..tp, sedey la plk an..
owh well, tkpe! nx time cube lg! hehe..
bak pepatah, ust amirullah, : tkmo putus ase ok?
wokehh ust! hehe..speaking of ust amirullah, gosh! he has nice..
biru beb mata! haha..tklaahh gurau jee..mata dy brown la..wow..hehe..
masha' Allah..nice ar ust! jeles tao..huhu..
ok2 sikit2 jelaa bbl psl ust amirullah hehe, tk psl2 terslh tafsir plk org.
tembak bru tau lao pikir mcm2! huhu..
last thursday tu, bbl one on one ngn ust Firdaus. regarding ape2 prblm la yg sy hadapi...anataranye, bhs arab.
so, talk it out wif him. finding other alternatives for me.
sorilaa susahkn ust ann...tp, i'm sure u noe how i feel sbg bdk sekular yg switch to
Ukhrawi educution. sbb ape? sbb ust firdaus also, once upon a time came frm a sekular skool. so, yeaahh..it's kinda hard for me..it's not about the situation. dats totally fine. the problem lies in penguasaan ilmu arab..
perghh...it's difficult.
tell me laa how cn i follow, if the basic pn tkde???
so, here are the alternatives dat ust firdaus have for me..
he says dat "it's unnecessary for u to join in usuluddin, syariah etc..classes..
i just want u to pick up wif arab dats my concern..i bet when i tot in clz a while ago, u didn't understand much rite?? as i spoke in arab. dats ok..dun worry or be saddened by this dinah, just get the vibe and go wif the flo...if tk fhm, just ikotkn jee..dun be dissapointed ok. i really understand ur situation. i was like back then, u'noe i took 5 yrs tao nk master ni sume..another thing is, dinah i'm much more concern bout your hafazan. i got a report saying dat, u're having prblms in hafal-ing...if u are comfortable to recite n memorise backwords, just go ahead ok. dats not an issue. it's up to u dinah..to get the momentum, takes time.
dun worry k...keep on trying, insya Allah..u cn do it k. dat is seriously ok n i'm fine if u cldn't memorise in 3 yrs..be it 4-5 yrs it's nt an issue dinah. dis is all ujian Allah. furthermore, u are still young, no rush knn..insya Allah sume will go on smooth k." well, dats roughly wad ust firdaus told me.
yeaapp...wad ust firdaus said is totally true. now, i hv to tegarkn smgt n teruskn perjuangan walaupn lmbt, biarlaa..aslkn dpt ape yg dikejar dn ltk sume ni untk mencari keredhaan Alla azza wa jal. smoga sy antara yg terpilih.
tkpe ar lao lmbt beb...sabar!!!...
ok before sy chow, just wanna say Syukran Jazakallahu Khyra to Akhi Helmy
for passing sanad Imam Nafi' untk Qiraat dinah. u're simply the best la akh..
sllu je tlg. Allah sajelaa yg bls budi baek akh. respect akh sgt2! besides my lovely sahabats Feza & Eza, u're always there when i'm having prblms. be it education or personal. big thx akh!
till then, doakn sy k....pnt laa..mau tdo..hehe..
~ilal liqa'~


so, ape khbr ye dinah??
how's life.how's skool..how's frens?? how's hafazan quranye??
ok, a random start off hehhee..jwb jelaa qns kt ats tuu..
aa..Alhmdllh ok2laa..skng ni sakit..*kesiaann** huhu..
sakit tekak, flu n demam je. tp, alhmdllh membaek =)
Syafakillah uat dr ini serta Fyzaa..yg skng jgk tgh sakit huhu..
wish u quick recovery wokehh..
up nx, how's life ekk..simple je as always..
skool plk, semakin mencabar..tp, Insya Allah smoga dipermudahknNya..
frens plk...syukur Alhmdllh trying my best untk divide kn mase
untk drg jd tklaah drg kate aku action an! haahahha..mne ader action beb..
sy neutral je..huhu.. =)
tp, papepn..Syukran Jaziilan for your understand wokeh bebs..really appreciate it. smoga berbahagia meniti hari2 yg indah..Insya Allah...
krg dkt sllu melalui do'a, hati dan mimpiku hahaha..
dpt jgk lpskn rindu kt ko fyzaa oii..too bad larhh tk dpt jmpe eza.
tp tkpe, nx time wokehh..hopefully eza is just fine =)
nx, how's studies ek..well, maseh bru jgk..intro2 je tuu..tp, mmg best lah hehe
syukran kpd ust firdaus/amirullah/mirdan
krne tk jemu2 translate kn kitab arab to make me understand hehehe..
really appreciate ur kindness n understanding =)
tp, ust amirullah #1 beb..hehe slow n steady je.. *thumbs-up lahh** wee~~
n tk lupe jgklaa classmates yg sllu bntu, kak wahida n izzati..
ahaa...pe khbr PERGAS ?? perghh..best dowhh..haha..
currently, for this semester learning = Tafsir/Ulum Qur'an & Fiqh Munakahat
**F.Munakahat is bab nikah kwang3..
patotlaa last period sume tk ngntok ek!! hahaha LOL. ish3...
tp tklahh sume ok jee..sbb ust2 yg ajar ade gaye "lame" drg tersndiri
tp, mmg kekek ah drg haha..interactive sgt2.
ahaa..last skali, hafazan..cmne yee...
spt mne ku katekn kt previous post, "biar lmbt asl slmt" haha..
ye ker?? is dat wat i typed?? smbrg je dinaahh!! hahhaa
tp, to conclude i'm in a slower or sloweesttt pace amongts the others..
tkpelaa..sabar...ni sume cobaan...hai mambang tanah..mambang angin..
hahah LOL dinahh!! tp, tkpe papepn doaknlah sy ye readers yg dikasihi Allah..
oklaa..pnjangnyee..nilahh ilham yg dtg kelepuk! jatuh hahaha..
oklaa...smpai jmpe d lembaran yg bru..ceywaahh =)
~Ilal Liqa'~

1) Perumpaan org beriman yg membce Al-Qur'an, bagaikan buah Limau Kasturi
wangi baunya serta sdp rsenye.
**bermaksud: seseorg itu dpt memberikan manfaat kpd org ramai, krane apabila
dy membce, pendgr yg laen akn dpt manfaat. Si pembce itu hatinye ikhlas, tawadhu' ketika mmbce Kallamullah. **
2) Perumpaan org beriman yg tdk membce Al-Qur'an, bagaikan buah tamar yakni, Kurma. Tiada bau, tp rsenye manis.
**bermaksud: Dy Muslim yg elok perilakunye, akhlak yg mahmudah namun tdk dpt memberi manfaat kpd org laen.**
3) Perumpaan org munafiq yg membce Al-Qur'an, bagaikn Bunga Raihanah
bau wangi, tp rse pahit.
**bermaksd: Dy dpt memberikan manfaat kpd org ramai melalui pembacaan
Al-Qur'an, tp dy tdk ikhlas..sekadar hanya menunjuk-nunjuk.**
4) Perumpaan org munafiq yg tdk membce Al-Qur'an bagaikan 'al-hanzalah'
tiada bau dan rse pahit.**
**bermksd: tdk dpt memberikn manfaat buat org laen dn dirinye tdk elok.**
>>H.R: Bukhari & Muslim<<
Dari Umar Ibnu Al-Khatib r.a. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Bcelah Qur'an, sesungguhnya Al-Qur'an itu akn dtg pd Hari Qiamah sbg Syafaat bg org2 yg mmbcenya.
**hadith d ats bermksd: 'Syafaat' blh diertikn sbg penolong/bantuan. mksd yg sbnrnye, ialah pd hr Kiamat nnti, Al-Qur'an akn buat recomendation untk pmbcenya dan Insya Allah, Jannah tmptnye.**
>>H.R: Bukhari & Muslim<<>
Wabillahi Taufiq wal Hidayah. salam 'alaik!
Ilal Liqa'

wokehh byk jgk nk dicite nii..
firstly, results..wad's my outcome??
hmm, tros terang jelaa..pass tu pass alhmdllh..tp, tk dpt layakkn dr masuk poly
sbb aggregate tk bgs mne pn...tp, Allah tu kn Pemurah..
Allah has given me other alternatives..
which is Darul Huffaz..Alhmdllh =)
of course, i felt dissapointed wif my results..but, dat's nt the end of the world ann..
there's always hikmah in ape2 yg berlaku dlm perjlnn hdp nii..
hendaklah bertawakkal kpd Allah..SABAR dgn ujian yg silih berganti..
mmg ar pahit dn sukar untk jalani..tp, sntiasa berdoa..seek advice..
Insya Allah mdh-mdhan kte ttp tegar untk teruskn hdp yg penuh pancaroba..
when in Darul Huffaz, the first wk was a GREAT CHALLENGE for me..
memorising was difficult as i was asked to memorise surah Al-Baqarah..
sumtimes i wonder, how does those Hafiz peeps mantap dlm hafalan drg??
aku dat time, mmg di ambang kekecewaan, resah...stress gtulaa..
bertnye jgk pd dr sndiri, mampukah aku untk harungi sume ni??
adkah aku dipilih untk memegang amanah dr Allah ni??
sdgkn aku mmg lemah..
itulaa time yg sgt meresahkn...hampir jee nk "syahid" dlm Tahfiz..
pdhal barruuu je seminggu..ditmbh lg results O lvls yg tk brape baek..
wadduuhh mmg SUKAR!!...
Alhmdllh Allah adekan pertolongan by "perantaraan"
by Mama...Ustzh Nurul Huda...Ust Firdaus..Ust Amirullah..
merekalah yg nasihatkn..mmgla setiap yg dlm process mnjd seorang Hafiz..
Dugaan yg diberikn Allah mmg hebat..tiap2 org sume akn diuji dgn berbeza..
biarlah lambat untk hafal ASALKN! hafalan sume tu mantap....
mgkn ade dikalangan para huffaz yg hafal cpt sgt..tp, mudah lupe..
so..usah bimbang..Insya Allah..sntiasalah bersangke baek terhdp Allah..
berdoalah...teruskn istiqomah...
mdh-mdhan kte adlh yg terpilih untk menjage Qur'an..
itulaahh serba sdkt yg sy nk kongsi ttg nasihat yg drg kasi..
tmbhan lg, sy asalnye bknlaa bdk mdrsh..bdk sekular...
blm lg serasi dgn keadaan...lama2 Insya Allah ok jee =)
satu lg cabaran...adlh penguasaan bhs Arab..
fuhh!! sy mmg tk blh la ikott pre-u arab lvl..terlalu tinggi..
ni msti discuss ngn ust Firdaus lg nih..
actually, mmg tk kesah laa jike kene stay back setahun-2 kerr..
cm smlm ckp kt seorang shbt kecil, Fathi.
Biarlah lmbt pergi ke Universiti tuu..kte kt sini mantapkn pljrn dl
tk pyh nk gopoh-gapah kesne..sdgkn blm lg uat persediaan yg rapi...
kene btol2 mantap brulaa blh g sne an..
guess dats bout it untk mslh ku yg nk dikongsi yg satu lg..
persahabatan nye issue..
yg nii sebaeknye bbl baek2 dgn shbt2..mdh-mdhan drg fhm dgn ikhlas
keadaan dr ini..itu jee yg sy nakk tk lbh pn..
maseku mmg terhad..tk spt dl..lao fwee hujung minggu je..laen hri bese mmg full-house
ini tanggungjawab & amanah yg besar...sy tkblh maen2...
mmgla ini yg sy nak..
sy btol2 mengharapkn understanding yg ikhlas dan pemikiran yg matang
dr shbt2 agr benar2 fhm situasi dr ini seadnye..mmglaa sy akui
sy terlalu sebok smpai mgkn shbt rse sy dh tk hiraukn kamu..
tp, tu slh sgt2...kn kte dh discuss byk kali ttg hal ini??
hmm..renung2knlaa..mdh-mdhan Allah lembutkn ati shbt2 sume..
maafkanlah jike rse sy ni mmg shbt tk gune..pentingkn dr sndiri kerr..
atao ape doubts la yg shbt ade kt dr nii..skali minta maaf..
~Ilal Liqa'~

wokehh..get ready to face reality peeps!
i meant, my O lvl buddies =)
after a long vacation..i guess..this is it!
results will be out tomorrow..Monday, 11.01.2010, 1400hrs *2pm*
Wallahu 'Alam cmnelaa keputusan..tp, bykkn berdoa..dan hope for the bestt
uat slmbe, n maintain..dun cry...but if u hv to, let it be tears of joy wokehh!..
doaku pd sume shbt n dr sndiri jgk yg bakal ambek results..
smoga Najah Fil Imtihan...Amiin Ya Rabb!
ape2 keputusan yg Allah da ttpkn, itulaa dy..
smoga sume tabah dn redha dgn apepn keputusan..
bykkn berdoa dan of coz, TAWAKKAL ALALLAH...
Tabahkn hti mu wokehh...Insya Allah sume akn baek2 sje..
Istighfar bebyk...dan terus mantapkn ati untk tabah..
i'll c u guys tomorrow....
and yeaapp..as usual, i hv skool tomorrow..but gotta get out an hr in advance..
tinggal jauh ann...so, yeahh..arnd 11 am, i'm goin out of skool..to home..
wash up...slt zhr...put on uniform...n..i guess...out of home to...YISS...
hrmm..wokehh bykkn doa tao!
n readers ku yg dirahmati Allah, bntu la sy serta shbt2 yg laen
smoga mndpt keputusan yg baek..Amiin Ya Rabb!
~Ilal Liqa'~


wokehh wad's there to blabber ye..
aha! skool =) hehehe..Alhmdllh dis wk was quite ok jgk..
bak kate pepatah ustzh Nurul Huda,
"tkpe, bru bkk skola an..engine bru nk warm up"
hehee..btol sgt la tu..
frankly, i had a hard time trying to memorise..coz, yeapp..still new knn
the situation was totally different compared to skola sekular..(msti arr..DUH! hehhe)
kekok pn ade jgk..tp, tkpe..tegarkn smgt Insya Allah,
sume akn berjln ngn lancar..
yeapp..it takes time to get use to new environment =)
doakn sy...
mm, tk byk yg nk di-share tp..overall wokehh laa
cume kdg2 ade panic je bile nk tasmi' (dgrkn bcaan dpn ustzh)
bile panic..tbe2 lesap plk ape yg dihafal..haa! tu ar..yg fed-up jp..hehe
tp, byk2 istighfar dinahhh.. =)
ujian dr Allah nii..
smoga sy ttp tabah n kuatkn smgt dlm "peperangan" nii.
dis wk clz end @ 12 noon nx wk..agk2 kul bpe??
hehe 430-5oo gtuu..other lessons will be starting immediately, Insya Allah, nx mon.
however, on Monday i gotta skip my afternoon clz, as i will be collecting
my O level results..Insya Allah Najah..Amiin ya Rabb =)
begitu juge doa yg td tu, untk sume pljr yg ambik results monday nnti.
mdh-mdhan sume klua dr hall ker..clzz ker dgn muke happy lao nangis pn,
let it be tears of joy =)..
so, enuff of blabbering for this post...
dinah need her restt hehe..
take care peeps~
~Ilal Liqa'~


apabila kamu berkawan dgn lelaki, ingatlah ada dua pilihan terbentang Yang pertama...kamu jadi spt kelapa..mudah diperolehi, diparut...diperah.. dan ambil santannya..lepas 2 hampasannya dibuang..
Yang kedua.. kamu menjadi sebutir mutiara..berada di dasar lautan.. tersimpan rapi..bukan senang nak melihatnya.. apa lagi mendapatnya..hnya org yg bertuah.. berusaha menyelami dasar lautan..dpt memperolehinya.. harganya mahal sekali..dan ia akan tersimpan selamanya.. jadi..
kamu pilihlah samada hendak mnjdi KELAPA ataupun MUTIARA... di sebalik santan..menjadi penyedap makanan..dperah segala kenikmatan..dgn mudah jatuh menjadi titisan... akhirnya habis kari dimakan..pulut panggang sisa habis dtelan... dan santan x jadi igtn lgi..yg terasa lazat hnya kari dan pulut panggang...org x kenang jasa santan..
mutiara..tertanam d dasr laut yg plng dlm.. sukar andai mengharap jdi perhatian kerana dilapisi kulit yg keras... menghadang..namun kiranye ditemui insan..akn mnjadi permata hiasan... terletak tinggi di cincin idaman..atau d leher nan jinjang... atau d lengan menawan..makin lme mutiare tertanam... makin tinggi nilainye...
OLEH ITU..TENTUKAN YG MANE 1 PILIHAN ANDA... menjadi santan...mudah jadi perhatian..tpi hnya sbntr je.. kemudian hilang segala nimkat dan pujian.. menjadi mutiara..sukar ditemui..namun OLEH ITU..TENTUKAN YG MANE 1 PILIHAN ANDA... menjadi santan...mudah jadi perhatian..tpi hnya sbntr je.. kemudian hilang segala nimkat dan pujian.. menjadi mutiara..sukar ditemui..namun ila dihias indah berseri.. perawan..hilang ia..tangisan mengiringi berzaman...
~Ilal Liqa'~

alryttee!! a brand new yr! hehehe..
lalalala, tomorrow's gonna be the first day of skool!
but, heyy..my holidae was suppose to be extended..
however i've enrolled in Darul Huffaz (Skola Ugama Radin Mas)
it's in Eunos and yeaahh tomorrow is my first day hehehe..
looking forward?? yeahh! cume nervous sgt2 jee..hehehe
but hopefully first day of pre-u gonna be just fine =)
Insya Allah..
owh i forgot before i go any further just wanna share wif u fellow readers ;)
i'm nt sure whether u cld recall dat last mnth, i had orientation rytee?
Tahfiz n Arab clz.
yeahh! yeepee!! Alhmdllh..i'm an official student now..hehe
woww..i'm so gladd..sujud syukur =)
currently i'm taking Tahfiz Wal Qiraat
(the same steps as wad Ibnu Ali has gone thru! kate inspirations..huhu msti mau ikott jejak langkah..huahuahuaa)
wokehh!! dats bout it for this topic...
wokehh ape dy ehh nx?? mm! aha! gonna talk bout Abi Abdussamad
been 2-3 wks missed my weekend clz.
dats long break awayy frm it. boohoo! =(
kinda miss havin' clz wif abi + missed his lame jokes hahaha
no offence abi! :P blueekk haha..
pluss! of course ar miss abi jgk ann..haha kate ayah..
well, ayah angkat :D wak3..
today had an awsome n hillarious session wif him.
first ,when i just stepped in, dy sengeh2 sbb pelik tgkkn aku wearing specs.
sbb lawa knn abi?! hahah perasaann dinaahh!..gurau je laa readerss hehehe
wokeehh bla3..bile nk dkt masuk waktu zhr, dy suh speed up kasi abes surah Anfaal n stop at At-Taubah..
waduuh!! semppott oii bce..haha..speed smpai tersungkuh bce! LOL
u get wad i meant ann?? ye kn je ;)
hehehe tp, papepn td mmg kekek ar ngn abi.. hehe i'll c u soon wokeeh abi.
mgkn tu je kott..hehe, aha..sblm nk stop post ni,
just wanna thk my family n friends for burfdae wish n gifts frm u guys
to me on my burfdae. yeahh 18 beb..cm tk cye jee..haha
me too! 18 yrs but..small sized..hehhe
biar arr..bersyukur ape adenye..btol ak?!! hehhee
BTOL3!! =)
wokeehh laa ni jee...mmg ar pnjang..hehe..
thx for ur time reading my post. hv a great day ahead n take care!!
i'll get to guys soon when i'm free..fhm2 jelaa masuk skolaa kn bz..byk admin stuffs to settle.
wokehh la peeps! get connected to u guys soon!
~~ma'asalamah wa ilal liqa'~~
Dinah is her name, a small person wif big dreams.
easy-going & simple is totally her.
Currently i'm a full-time student of Darul Huffaz (tahfiz wal qiraat)
also a student of PERGAS and a student of AbiAbdusSamad in Al-Khair
Allah 'Azza Wa Jal is where she puts her full trust.
4 Imam Hafiz (Ibnu Ali) are her Inspirations.
Family & Frens are my "cheer-leaders" LOL.
D.O.B: 01/01/1992.
Ukhuwwah Fillah~!
Ukhti Aiza
Akhi Hanafi
Ukhti Fathin Nabilah
Ukhti Alya
Ukhti Atiqah
Akhi Salman
Ukhti Mardhiah
Ukhti Farah
Ukhti Shya
Misteri Jam 12
Akhi Helmy
Akhi da'wah
myMirwana space
Ukhti Mustanir
Akhi Azli
Ukhti sheila
Ukhti Yunni
Ukhti Aisyah
Ukhti Husna
Akhi Fathi
AKhi Irfan
Ukhti Nina
Ukhti Amirah
Ukhti Qistina
Akhi Ruzaimy
Akhi Haiqal
Akhi Firdaus
Akhi Fikri
Ukhti Fiqah
Ukhti Syiqin
Koleksi Al-Qalam
laman Fiqh
Ulama' Aamilin