wokehh, just make dis post cpt n ringkas
actually da lame nk share tp, tertunda ajee..so, dis time tknk tunda2 lg..
its disturbing tao! wokehh dr dulu ade aje dpt e-mail yg mmglah memberi
peringatan uat umat Islam. tu mmg baek ar...tp, bile last2 tu tk pyh la nk ugut2
atao ckp "lao tk anta ade balak yg bakal menimpa.../ send dis to 10 people u will get bla3../ send to 20 people...bla3.." stop it blh ak?..
nk beri peringatan, silekanlaa...tp, tk perlu ltk syarat nk takot2kn org...
mcm tau aje ape yg bakal trjadi kt pembace mail tu?? jgn nk pndai2 tentukn naseb org...dis hv to stop! kalau nk beri peringatan kasi je..tk pyh nk tmbh2 laen..
kalao send kt hp dhtu, suh send lg 10-15 org?? sape baya bill?? org tu ker??
nk uat baek (peringatan) uat ngn cara btul..jgn nk ugut2..tembak kanng...
hrrmmm...renung-renungkan ar...sori if author-nye terkasar bhs kerr..
minta maaf sgt2...binget jp ni..
tlg ar..beri peringatan yg elok2 tk perlu nk bubuhkan "kalao tk anta (forwardkan) anda akn kene balak" or watsoever...dgn sng ati, beri la peringatan AJE. supaya sume umat Islam dpt manfaat...
Ilal Liqa'

wokehh..a change of timetable..
specially "customized" for dinah and a classmate of mine, fairuz.
well, both of us asal-usul nye frm a sekular skool. so, yupp..in a pre-u lvl??.
arab is a total gone case for the both of us..though there're lots of hurdles for us,
it will never break our dreams in fulfilling wat he hav long yearned.
tk laen tk bukan, all these yg bakal kite tempuhi is ujian dr Allah 'azza wa jal
n of coz jgk..ape yg diniatkan semata-mata untk mencari keredhaanNya..
lao niat terlari tu, btulkan balek ler..
do'a is a major priority..
changes was made by ustaz Firdaus, yeapp after both of us had a talk wif ust in de ofis, he gave us alternatives..
there's 2. first one was, changes in timetable for both us only.
or..mintk ustaz mihdar / ustaz amirullah to coach us in arab.
preferably i wanted the 2nd option. kn lbh focus kn3 ??
tp, lets just get along n go wif the flo for the first option shall we? wokehh ustaz.
no harm trying la kn3..ape2pn, doakn la kami smoga tegar dan tabah
walaupn tklah dlm mase 3 thn lg nk ke mesir..dats ok lao lmbt..
janji dpt kukuhkan bhs arab.
sesungguhnya dinah sudah jatuh cinta dalam bidang qiraat..huhu. tembak bru tao =)
tkde arr..mmg pening la jgk an..tp, suke3!!!
oklaa..tu je..
Ilal Liqa'

wuaahh..kesedapaann cuti ni an..hahah
bsk je da masuk skool! wee~~
homewrk usah ditnye...msti ade nyee..hehe
muraja'ah dan hafaz =)
Qiraat pn ade jgk..hafal nama sanad & perawinye..
dh nk masuk imam-3 iaitu, Imam Abu 'Amr.
ape2pn, doaknla sy ehh..hehe smoga dpt harungi ni sume dgn tabah & tenang =)
nnti hujung minggu ni blog la lg..huhu
Ilal Liqa'

Alhmdllh..finally i get my hands on my laptop huhu
been really bz for the past 2 wks..n i hardly got the chance to even touch my laptop
hahaha..but, dats ok no hal punyaa..
so, Alhmdllh i'm doin just FINE n i'm lovin' it!
yeaapp..first mnth in Darul Huffaz was a major challenge...
only Allah knows how i felt during dat mnth..but, it's a great experience though
i had hard time coping hehehe..
to tell u guys one thing, i just love the asatizahs in Darul Huffaz they are soo caring
n understanding sgt2. double-lovin' it!
3 cheers for them! wee~~
smoga Allah sntiasa memeliharai sume asatizah yg sgt ku kasihi =)
wat ust Firdaus say, is true..."just get the vibe of arab language Insya Allah perolehi berkatnye" n Alhmdllh...i'm starting to get the bit hehehe..
i cld understand partly when the ustaz convey in arab language.
Alhmdllh! step by step kn3...Insya Allah, msti blh punyaa..hehe
peeps over there asked, "why do u choose dis path? why nt taking academic studies? isn't it such a waste?"
wuoo!!..waste?? tembak bru tao! ape waste2??! ceywaahh mrh dinah haha
nahh..gurau je. simple anw jee kasi drg tuu
this is my passion though i might be the slowest, dats ok..
"slow n steady" dats the music! furthermore, i came frm a sekular skool
so, yeaapp..it's kinda nerve-wrecking laa at first. BUT! like i mentioned earlier,
"I'M LOVIN' IT!" hehe..
sbb, smakin seseorg tu nk jd soleh n dkt dgn Allah, makin byklahh beb dugaannye kn3?? especially untk menghafaz Kalamullah...
lao syaitan ganggu pn, uatlahh dek..perbannykkan ISTIGHFAR...
tkmolaa ikot bisikan syaitan td tuhh..nnti di akhirat,
syaitan sndiri ckp "jgnlah kamu memaki aku, tp kamu makilah dr kamu sndiri"
yelaa..btol la ape yg dikatakn td tuu. syaitan cume mengajak je..
yg nk g ikot tu sape suh kn3?? so, pembaca yg dikasihi Allah, renung-renungkanlahh
maaf jike sy tkde dalil to support sentence td tuu..lupe plk hehe
sbb ini ape yg Ustaz Amirullah sebutkan =)
ok2...nk cite psl PERGAS plk ar..tk abis2 Darul Huffaz huhu
skng PERGAS lg sukeeee sgt2!! the asatizah are simply cute in their own ways haha..funny ar drg.
n, yeaahhh! Ust Mazri ajar lg..hehe he is rather the l.a.m.e one but,
kite sume suke cara dy ajar hehee...kekek beb
Ust Noor Rawi pn ajar lg..pn best3! interactive..ye r..bab Munakahat hahaha..
n lastly, Ust 'Alaina..dy nye suare..perghh...sdp ar lao dy bce kn surah2...
berasal dr Mesir tuu..favourite color, seems to be purple-maroon agknye ar..
sbb, dy suke sgt pakai color gtu huhu.
papepn, i adore all my asatizah-s yeepee~~
and of course knl Abi AbdusSamad..alaa..sllu jgk blog ttg dy.
sape yg tau..taulahh sape yg tk tau..tau2kn ajelaa..hehe
Abi pn sntiasa gerek...favourite line lao geram,
"prnh tgk org tertelan blender??" hahaha
blm tgk lg, nape nk demo ek Abi? hak3..
so, tulaa dy cite pd kali ini yg tklah sebape...hehehe...maaf lao pnjang sgt post nii..nk bce, bce laa..tknk tkpe hehe.
wokehh la peeps! take care n jge Imaan tao!
~Ilal Liqa'~
Dinah is her name, a small person wif big dreams.
easy-going & simple is totally her.
Currently i'm a full-time student of Darul Huffaz (tahfiz wal qiraat)
also a student of PERGAS and a student of AbiAbdusSamad in Al-Khair
Allah 'Azza Wa Jal is where she puts her full trust.
4 Imam Hafiz (Ibnu Ali) are her Inspirations.
Family & Frens are my "cheer-leaders" LOL.
D.O.B: 01/01/1992.
Ukhuwwah Fillah~!
Ukhti Aiza
Akhi Hanafi
Ukhti Fathin Nabilah
Ukhti Alya
Ukhti Atiqah
Akhi Salman
Ukhti Mardhiah
Ukhti Farah
Ukhti Shya
Misteri Jam 12
Akhi Helmy
Akhi da'wah
myMirwana space
Ukhti Mustanir
Akhi Azli
Ukhti sheila
Ukhti Yunni
Ukhti Aisyah
Ukhti Husna
Akhi Fathi
AKhi Irfan
Ukhti Nina
Ukhti Amirah
Ukhti Qistina
Akhi Ruzaimy
Akhi Haiqal
Akhi Firdaus
Akhi Fikri
Ukhti Fiqah
Ukhti Syiqin
Koleksi Al-Qalam
laman Fiqh
Ulama' Aamilin