Alhamdulillah last wk's event went on smoothly w/o any glitches.
a great and memorable event. a GREAT NI'MAH frm Allah 'azza wa jal...
Subhanallah ya Allah. Give ultimate thx to Allah for giving me such ni'mah.
i wanna rewind it again! wee~~
it was like a syifa' (medicine) for me dat Allah has given to me =)
b'cuz i was feeling rather down dat week.
i was mesmerised by wad had happen frm early mornin-late night...
starting frm the start of pergas classes till it ends and till the start of khatamul Qur'an to maulid Nabi to Syarahan..perghh...nice one !! i'm over-whelmed! wee~~
but currently, now i'm pissed off wif sum problematic kids in maahad tahfiz..
ergghh...maahad tahfiz is just about to grow..n insya Allah it will sustain n prolly be as prestigious as Darul Qur'an in m'sia-Selangor...
wad made me, n of course made the asatizahs double-pissed off is sum recent cases in skool. ya made us all sad =((
i'm nt gonna elaborate much bout it. but, pls don't spoil our image larr...
ergghh..if this carry, i'm so gonna crush u guys in lil pieces (like REAL) haahah...nvm, let Allah alone give the taste of His own medicine to those problematic kids..ishh..
to my dearest asatizahs (teachers) who i really respect, let's take actions shall we...don't be sad kayy...Insya Allah our maahad Tahfiz will sustain...may Allah give us the strength to face such obstacles..
ya Allah, pls take gd care of our's like a home to us. give the students the will to focus in hafazan...n our intentions are pure, only to seek Your mardhatillah...(keredhaan). Amiin ya Rabb =)
Ilal Liqa'

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w "Keadaan orang Mukmin itu sangat menakjubkan, kerana segala urusan yang menimpanya dianggap baik. Tetapi keadaan ini hanya berlaku kepada orang yang beriman. Iaitu, apabila mendapat kesenangan, dia bersyukur kerana itu lebih baik untuknya. Dan apabila dilanda kesusahan dia bersabar, kerana itu lebih baik untuknya." (Riwayat Muslim daripada Abu Yahya Syuhaib bin Sinan r.a)
wabillahi taufik wal hidayah

Wahai para huffaz yg dikasihi Allah, tlgla jge adab kamu elok2...usah terjebakkn dr dalm perkara yg tdk diingini dan akn menjejas nama baik skola kami. Sayangilah maahad tahfiz yg di-establish uat julung2 pertama kalinya d s'pore. Juge, sayangilah guru2 yg mengajar kamu. Hatta, jike mereka ni boring skali pn, kite ttp harus beradab d hdpn mereka. Kerana yg pertama mereka lbh tua dan kedua, mereka perolehi byk ilmu berbanding kita. Kita yg sntiasa mendahagakn ilmu. Dan perantaraannya ialah melalui guru2..bkn kah itu satu kenikmatan juga?? renung-renungkan lahh...peringatan ini bkn hanya untk dr kamu semua tp, untk ana sndiri..ana cume mengingatkan kerana, ana sayangkn maahad tahfiz...kite ni bknnye ade skola sndiri...kita hanya menumpang...skali lg ana tnye..bknkah itu juga kenikmatan yg Allah berikan?? teringat ku kpd guruku, sewaktu dia berada di philipines tmpat pengajian islamnya tdklah sehebat dan secanggih maahad kita. Mereka punyai satu je kipas. Kita?? masha'Allah hawa dingin...skali lg ana tnye..bknkah itu kenikmatan yg diberikan?? jelas sgt bahawa kita ni berada dlm suasana yg diseliputi dgn luxury n comfort. Renung-renungkanlaahh...Yg baik sudah semestinya dtg dr Allah 'azza wa jal, dan yg kurang elok dtg dr kelemahan dr sndiri akhir kalam, wa billahi taufiq wal hidayah...

Andainya tenaga mu semakin lemah.
Andainya jiwa mu terasa kosong
Mengadu dan merintihlah kepadaNya
Agar hati mu berasa puas.
Kau tinggalkan kampung halaman
Kau tinggalkan adik-adik
Kau tinggalkan sahabat handai
Demi sebuah impian
Demi sebuah harapan
Demi sebuah perjuangan.
Sahabat ku...
Kau korbankan kemewahan.
Kau korbankan masa dan tenaga.
Kau korbankan hati dan perasan.
Apa lagi yang harus kau korbankan?
Dengan semangat yang kental.
Kau teruskan jua perjuangan.
walaupun hati mu mengangis sendiri.
Walaupun batin mu merintih pilu.
Biarpun perjuangan ini tidak dipeduli.
Biarpun pengorbanan ini tidak dihargai.
Namun...berundur tidak sekali.
Biar gerimis membangkit harapan.
Biar gemilang mengungkit kenangan.
Ikhlaskah kau dalam pengorbanan?
Di awal...ya, di akhir...entah...
Keikhlasan ini digugat.
Kesetiaan ini dicalar.
Kerana kau berada di dua persimpangan.
Antara perasaan dan cita-cita.
Ternyata perasaan jua yang terkorban.
Tapi aku percaya.
Kau tetap gagah dan bertenaga.
Meneruskan perjuangan ini.
kerana kau tahu perjuangan itu pahit.
Kerana syurga itu manis


events cumin up!!
Majlis Khatamul Qur'an & Maulid Nabi dis sunday,
bertempat d Masjid At-Taqwa, starting frm 430pm - 1030pm
masha'Allah, hopefully the event's gonna run smoothly Insya Allah
the interesting pt is, every student n asatizahs (teachers)
gonna take part together in reciting the Qur'an =)
so, do cum down yeapp..join in our event. u'll certainly be mesmerise hehe..
Insya Allah...
IF ONLY my inspiration's gonna take pt too wuaaa..besttnyee! heehehe.
ishh..sesungguhnya setiap perbuatan berdasarkan niat.
so..Lillahi Ta'ala wokehh peeps!! wee~~
so, i guess i'll be seeing myself in at-Taqwa together wif the students of Maahad Tahfiz.
speaking of them ekk...hrmm..tkmau ckp byk ar..
ubah diri kamu wahai plaja2 Tahfiz...sedarkn diri sikit...
sy pn mengingatkn dr sndiri jgk...
tkmo spoilkn image..tembak bru tao!! ishh..krg nii...kesiankn ler
sikit kt para asatizah yg membgnkn skola ni dgn drg nye hard effort..spare a thought for them k dear peeps =)
k tu jela...
Ilal Liqa'

I hv no idea how much i missed dat particular month...
when i miss'em i will intend to listen to it..
it makes me smile n sooths my ear and bring ease for me spiritually
it's indeed a great hit. Only Allah 'azza wa jal understands...
i've gone thru much hurdles in life, all these hurdles are sumthin to be learnt and worthy
yes, at times hurdles might be tough but, as soon as we get over it sooner or later we'll realise dat
hey..i'm done! And at times beautiful memoirs definitely cannot be erased. It has been pt of our life.
Seeing the global changes in this world made me even realise and see it in an Islamic way..
Subhanallah how great it is if one noe's how beautiful Islam is. But sadly, for people who has already born as a muslim still live in darkness. How i wish they cld really see the true meaning of islam and all the do's n dont's how beautiful the content of the Qur'an. Such significant words frm Allah 'azza wa jal. Currenlty learnin qira'at, ulum qur'an , dhobtul qur'an, mutashabihat etc..
Masha'Allah!! in studies there are never ending road to search for knowledge. Subhanallah! How wide knowledge is! Though i'm dealing wif wad i yearned most, still think dat the 'Ilm dat i hv are nt dat much. All these are give for free by Allah 'azza wa jal. Do appreciate it before Allah takes all His Nikmah away from u. Once upon a time, i really hated maths...but after hearing ust firdaus khutbah, he made me realise how important is in appreciating wad Allah has in store for u...every individuals has their own strenghs n weaknesses no one's born perfect. Except for Rasulullah s.a.w.
He has made significant changes in the lives of mankind. Subhanallah! If only we cld meet him, even just a minute! Will make a huge difference in our live. Now is already Rabi''ul Awal. Last friday marked our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w b'day. He also died on the same date when he was born. His sacrifices for the Ummah are superb! He loves His Ummah so much to the extend dat when his facing sakaratul maut, he mentioned Ummati / Ummati / Ummati. He Rasulullah s.a.w mentioned thrice! He loved us and will always love us! Wad about us?? to even give him a proper salutation seems a burden..why is dat so?? just knock sum senses in your thoughts fellow muslims. We live in Allah's earth it's just for short while...why do we have to be arrogant and ignorant.
Well both terms are indeed a killer to our Imaan. Now news regarding child-abuse is gettin in my nerves...why o why must this happen to the lil ones??? hey i hv a better idea! Why not, banging ur head to a wall full will pins or thumb-tacks if u r so freaking stress up wif ur pathetic way of life?! Why do the lil ones hv to suffer??? wad do u think they are?? dolls?? just give urself i tight slap if so dat they're dolls. What has becum of this world? Where's Ihsaan in humans?? such idiots who abuse small kids are better of to labelled as animals! Owh well..i guess animals are much more superior den those idiots. Animals love their babies...humans??? hhmm...super pissed-off wif such news! I guess world's cumin to an end...when? Wallahu 'Alam but just be prepared...okayy, now, i;m off to bed. Salam 'Alaik. LailatusSa'id. Ilal Liqa'
Dinah is her name, a small person wif big dreams.
easy-going & simple is totally her.
Currently i'm a full-time student of Darul Huffaz (tahfiz wal qiraat)
also a student of PERGAS and a student of AbiAbdusSamad in Al-Khair
Allah 'Azza Wa Jal is where she puts her full trust.
4 Imam Hafiz (Ibnu Ali) are her Inspirations.
Family & Frens are my "cheer-leaders" LOL.
D.O.B: 01/01/1992.
Ukhuwwah Fillah~!
Ukhti Aiza
Akhi Hanafi
Ukhti Fathin Nabilah
Ukhti Alya
Ukhti Atiqah
Akhi Salman
Ukhti Mardhiah
Ukhti Farah
Ukhti Shya
Misteri Jam 12
Akhi Helmy
Akhi da'wah
myMirwana space
Ukhti Mustanir
Akhi Azli
Ukhti sheila
Ukhti Yunni
Ukhti Aisyah
Ukhti Husna
Akhi Fathi
AKhi Irfan
Ukhti Nina
Ukhti Amirah
Ukhti Qistina
Akhi Ruzaimy
Akhi Haiqal
Akhi Firdaus
Akhi Fikri
Ukhti Fiqah
Ukhti Syiqin
Koleksi Al-Qalam
laman Fiqh
Ulama' Aamilin